In attention of his Excellency Tove Bruvik Westberg – Ambassador of Norway in Bucharest
To Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest,
In attention of his Excellency Tove Bruvik Westberg,
Ambassador of Norway in Bucharest
As representatives of the “Association Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania” and the “Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship” , we bring back to your attention the case for the Bodnariu family from Norway.
We like to inform you that the associations representatives of “Association Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania” and the “Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship” have already formulated requests that have been submitted to the Norwegian State through its representatives in the United States.
We also petitioned for the reunion of the children with their parents of the Bodnariu family, by participating in the protests from Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Madrid (Spain).
“Association Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania” and “Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship” will be represented by Mr. Florian Peretz, at the protests that will be held at Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington DC and he intends to continue in year 2016 to be with Bodnariu family (Norway), to be actively involved in the protest action and support them in prayers, as well as for dealing with other families that are undergoing this type of treatment by the authorities of Norway.
As is known, the Bodnariu case revealed possible malfunctions or deficiencies in the Norway legislation and in the child / family protection system.
We support Bodnariu family rights to live and to educate their children according to the moral Christian values, reason why the family must be reunited as soon as possible.
We believe in a democratic country. It is inconceivable that parents be separated from their children through corrective and abusive methods conducted by the institute, in the absence of a final decision by court officials that declines parental rights of the child, to an official inquiry that certifies the abuse within the family, and leads to decadency of parental rights. Therefore, we condemn this violation of the parents’ freedom to exercise their parental rights, the violation of the child’s principle – to live with their natural parents and to benefit from the protection of the family home.
The principles on which our associations are based on is to promote Christian moral values in the society, a clean society where the family role is vital.
The family plays the most important role in the formation and socialization of the child because it represents the fundamental framework within all the child’s needs. Within the family are developed the first and most important character and moral traits.
The family is the first institution which influences the child’s development since its marks his entire personality.
The family has the role also to prepare children for life, giving them the best place in which to form the main skills and formation of the first principles of life.
The family is the first form of organisation of humanity instituted by God.
These are the reasons for which we believe the family is and should remain the nucleus of any society and that’s why also the 5 children of Bodnariu family must return to their family!
We affirm and believe the Romanian and Norwegian State represented by its President and the King, Government, Ministry of External Affairs and Ambassadors have a legal obligation, constitutional and moral to engage citizens in defending their rights and fight for the family’s reunion.
Best regards,
Adrian Pentek – Secretary General of Association Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania (ACBPR)
Florian Peretz – President of Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship (WRCBF),
Founder and Honorary President of Association Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania (ACBPR)
Catre Ambasada Regatului Norvegiei la Bucuresti,
In atentia excelentei sale Tove Bruvik Westberg,
Ambasadorul Regatului Norvegiei la Bucuresti
Ca si reprezentanti ai Asociatiilor “Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship” si “Asociatia Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania”, dorim sa readucem in atentia dumneavoastra cazul familiei Bodnariu din Norvegia.
Vrem sa va informam ca reprezentantii asociatiilor “Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship” si “Asociatiei Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania” au transmis deja solicitari adresate statului norvegian prin reprezentantii sai din Statele Unite ale Americii.
Am solicitat si militat pentru reunirea copiilor cu parintii lor in familia Bodnariu prin participarea la actiunile de protest de la Ambasada Regatului Norvegiei din Bucuresti si de la Ambasada Regatului Norvegiei din Madrid(Spania).
Deasemenea Asociatiile “Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship” si “Asociatia Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania” vor fi reprezetate de d-l Florian Peretz, la actiunile de protest care vor avea loc la Ambasada Regatului Norvegiei din Washington DC si intelege sa continue si in anul 2016 sa fie alaturi de Familia Bodnariu(din Norvegia), sa se implice activ in actiunea de protest si rugaciune pentru suportul familiei Bodnariu (copii si parinti) precum si pentru rezolvarea cazurilor altor familii supuse acestui tip de tratament de catre autoritatile din Norvegia.
Astfel cum este cunoscut, cazul Bodnariu a relevat posibile disfunctionalitati si deficiente in legislatia si sistemul de protectie al copilului si al familiei din Norvegia.
Noi sustinem dreptul familiei Bodnariu de a trai si de a-si educa copii potrivit valorilor morale a unei familii crestine sens in care familia trebuie reunita de indata.
Credem ca intr-o tara democratica este de neconceput ca parintii sa fie despartiti de copiii lor prin mijloace coercitive si brutale ale unui organism, in lipsa unei hotarari definitive a instantei judecatoresti competente de decadere din drepturile parintesti ale copilului, a unei anchete oficiale speciale care sa certifice abuzurile in respectiva familie, de natura sa duca la decaderea din drepturile parintesti. Astfel condamnam incalcarea flagranta a drepturilor parintilor de a-si exercita drepturile parintesti, incalcarea principiului superior al copilului – acela de a locui impreuna cu parintii naturali si de a beneficia de protectia caminului familiei.
Principiile pe care asociatiile noastre le prezinta este promovarea valorilor moral-crestine in societate, o societate curata in care rolul familei este vital.
Familia are rolul cel mai important în formarea și socializarea copilului deoarece ea reprezinta cadrul fundamental în interiorul caruia sunt rezolvate toate nevoile copilului.
In familie sunt dezvoltate primele si cele mai importante trasaturi caracteriale si morale. Familia este prima institutie care influenteaza dezvoltarea copilului deoarece isi pune amprenta pe intreaga sa personalitate.
Familia are rolul si de a pregati copilul pentru viata oferindu-i cel mai potrivit loc in care sa isi formeze principalele deprinderi si pentru formarea primelor principii de viată.
Familia este prima forma de organizarea a omenirii instituita de Dumnezeu.
Acestea sunt argumentele pentru care noi consideram ca familia este si trebuie sa ramana nucleul de baza a oricarei societati si pentru care cei 5 copiii ai familiei Bodnariu trebuie sa se reintoarca in familie!
Afirmam si consideram ca Statul roman si norvegian prin reprezentantii sai , Presedinte si Rege, Guvern, Ministerul Extern de Afaceri, ambasadori au obligatia legala, constitutionala si morala sa se implice in apararea drepturilor cetatenilor lor si sa lupte pentru reunirea familiei.
Cu deosebita consideratie,
Adrian Pentek – Secretar General Asociatia Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania (ACBPR)
Florian Peretz – Presedinte Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen & Professionals Fellowship (WRCBF)
Presedinte Onorific Asociatia Christian Businessmen and Professionals of Romania (ACBPR)