Zile de durere, Days of sorrow! We hope no one of your love ones suffered! Nadajduim ca nimeni din cei dragi dumneavostra nu au de suferit!
Dear friends, Dragi prieteni,
It is a national mourning day and I trust that we are part of it. Now we have to cry with those that they cry, suffer with those that they suffer and time will come when we will have the power to influence the politics through our vote.
Condolences to all Romanian citizens where ever they are as well as any other citizens who suffered from the Friday big disaster and there we all are giving our support to Romania as a great nation on this days of big sorrow and we wish all quick healing!
Azi e o zi de doliu national la care si noi suntem parte. Acum trebuie sa plangem cu cei ce plang, sa suferim cu cei ce sufera si va veni vremea cand vom avea libertatea sa influentam politica prin votul nostru.
Transmitem condoleantele noastre tuturor cetatenilor romani si oricarei familii ce a suferit in dezastrul de Vineri seara oriunde s-ar afla ei, suntem alaturi de minunata natiune romana in aceste zile de grea suferinta si dorim tuturor, o vindecare !
Let be wise and for today we leave everything in God hands. We are called to pray for healing, peace and comfort on all, people and country of Romania.
Hai sa fim intelepti, astazi sa lasam totul in Mainile Lui Dumnezeu. Noi suntem chemati sa ne rugam pentru vindecare, pace si mangaierea tuturor, poporului si tarii noastre, Romania.
“He makes the winds his messengers, and the flaming fire his attendant.”
Psalms 104:4 NET
“Din vânturi Îți faci soli, și din flăcări de foc, slujitori.”
Psalmii 104:4 VDCC
Today is a day of sorrow for all Romanian and all other people they suffer from the Friday evening disaster, where ever they are.
These are days of sorrow for our people as well as our country Romania, and now we, the members of Worldwide Romanian Christian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship together with the members of Asociatia “Christian Businessmen and Professionals” of Romania we all pray and ask the mercy of our Lord God to heal all wounds spiritual or material what ever they are! May the Lord God turn His face toward our people and Romania.
Be Healed and Peace be on all of you and much more on those they lost their love ones.
Astazi este o zi de durere pentru toti romanii si toti ceilalti oameni ce au de suferit de pe urma dezastrului de Vineri seara, oriunde s-ar afla ei.
Aceste zile sunt zile de durere pentru poporul nostru si tara noastra Romania, si acum noi membrii asociatiilor Worldwide Romanian Businessmen and Professionals Fellowship impreuna cu membrii Asociatiei “Christian Businessmen and Professionals” of Romania, ne rugam si cerem de la Domnul Dumnezeu indurare si sa vindece toate ranile fizice si spirituale oricare ar fi ele!
Ne rugam ca Domnul Dumnezeu sa-si intoarca fata spre popor si tara noastra Romania.
Fiti Vindecati si Pacea lui Dumnezeu sa fie revarsata din plin peste toti sin special peste toti cei ce au pierdut pe cei dragi.
Florian Peretz – Presedinte WRBPF si Presedinte onorific al ACBPR.