Conferinta aniversara ACBPR si WRCBPF, Tema: BINECUVANTARE PENTRU ROMANIA, 23-25 octombrie 2015, Hotel Continental Forum Oradea

Stimati parteneri, colaboratori si simpatizanti

Bordul asociatiei ACBPR in colaborare cu WRCBPF, USA, are placerea de a va invita sa participati la conferinta aniversara, aniversand 20 de ani de la infiintare.
Conferinta cu tema “Bunastare pentru Romania”, va avea loc in perioada 23 – 25 Octombrie in Oradea, la hotel Continental Forum.
Dealungul celor 20 de ani de existenta, ACBPR si WRCBPF, a cautat sa promoveze valorile moral crestine in societatea romaneasca si in intreaga lume.
Intentionam sa va prezentam contributia adusa pana acum de catre asociatiile noastre, cat si sa discutam perspective de viitor, implementand schimbari pozitive pentru beneficiul mediului profesional si de afaceri din tara noastra.
Vorbitorii principali / conferentiarii acestui eveniment sunt  reprezentanti respectati ai  mediului de afaceri autohton si extern.
Consideram ca fiecare dintre noi putem fi o schimbare benefica pentru Romania si societatea in care traim impreuna cu familiile noastre iar scopul nostru este  de a incuraja creearea unui mediu de afaceri profesional, credibil si sanatos.
E bine de stiut ca niciuna dintre cele doua organizatii nu sunt afiliate la vreun partid politic. Ele sunt organizatii non profit si promoveaza valorile moral crestine in Romania, USA si in lume, oferind prin fondurile de care dispun un sprijin pentru cei aflati in nevoie.
Pentru confirmarea participarii la conferinta va rugam sa ne contactati prin e-mail la adresa ( sau telefonic (0359 – 401 142;  0758 – 998 687 ),  pâna în data de 16 octombrie 2015.
Toti cei interesati sa participe, membrii sau simpatizanti, sunt rugati sa ne comunice dorinta dumnealor cat mai repede posibil.

Va asteptam!

Cu deosebita consideratie,



Dear all,

The board of ACBPR, in collaboration with WRCBPF, USA, would like to invite you to attend this year’s conference as we celebrate 20 years of being. Our Conference, “For the Well-Being of Romania” will run from October 23th to 25th 2015 in Oradea, at Hotel Continental Forum.
In these 20 years of existence, ACBPR and WRCBPF, sought to promote the values ​​of Christian morality within the Romanian business society as well as in the world.
We intend to present the contributions made thus far through our associations as well as discuss future perspectives of implementing positive changes for the benefit of our country’s environment.
The keynote speakers for this conference are respected representatives of in the “business world”, both domestic and abroad.
We believe that each of us can be a beneficial change for Romania and the societies in which we and our families live, to encourage a professional, credible, and healthy business environment.
We wish to note that neither of this two organizations or their leaders aren’t affiliated or involved with any political party. They are non-profit organizations which promotes Christian moral values in Romania, USA and worldwide, by providing funds and materials in supporting the less fortunate.
For confirmation, please contact us by e-mail at (;) or by phone (0359-401 142,  0758-998 687) by the following date:  16 October 2015.
All those interested in participating, members or sympathizers, are asked to communicate us their desire to participate with us as soon as possible.

Looking forward to see you!

Best regards,

The Board of ACBPR and WRCBPF

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